

Portugal organisation is hosting tribute to African ancestors

The Colectivo Tributo aos Ancestrais PT (Collective Tribute to the Ancestors) in Portugal is hosting a a series of ceremonies in Lisbon between June 23rd and August 8th , in homage of the African Ancestors who fell victim to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The theme of their 5th Ancestral Tribute is the date that Portugal initiated the transatlantic trade in Africans in 1444. 

The TransAtlantic trade in Africans started in 1444, when 235 people were snatched from the coast of West Africa and put up for sale in Lagos, now a laidback Portuguese beach resort on Europe's southwestern tip. The 2024 edition marks 580 years since the beginning of this tragic chapter for humanity.


The series of events will begin on Sunday, June 23, with a tour of the African Presence in Lisbon, on foot and by Tuk Tuk, in partnership with the Batoto Yetu Association. And immediately afterwards, the Tribute to the Ancestors ceremony takes place at Cais dos Pilares, Terreiro do Paço (Praça do Comércio). This River Ceremony starts at 4.00pm and will feature several groups of Cape Verdean batucadeiras, African poetry, and Angolan, Zambian and Brazilian artists and musicians. Its a non-profit initiative, so free access.

At the end of the next day, Monday, June 24, there will be an informal conversation with Dr. Ifetayo Ojelade, an African-American psychologist, author, and priestess of traditional African spirituality.

To conclude, on August 8th (the date that officially marks the beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade), there will be a trip to the Rota da Escravatura Museum Center (Lagos, Algarve), the first market for enslaved people in Europe.

In a post on its Facebook page the Colectivo is calling for the input of everyone who feels connected to the cause, to make this tribute a reality.  “Donate through the following methods: MBWAY: 965696769 and IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 5331 8002 0207 2. Any amount will make a huge difference and if you cannot donate, please share this message with your friends and family. Together, we can make a difference!,” the organization said.